Matchmaking in Executive Search

Netflix has produced several series with the ability to capture the cultural zeitgeist, whether it be about a tiger zoo, conspiracies, or failures in the justice system. Most recently, that was in the form of a series that follows a matchmaker. In the series, the audience follows a matchmaker during the process of finding clients their perfect romantic match. The idea of finding a match, although not romantic, is a familiar concept to Freeman Philanthropic Services. Freeman Philanthropic Services (FPS)  has acted as a matchmaker in 600 successful executive searches in the not-for-profit sector.

In the literature surrounding the show, one of the most widely spoken about topics is the unique perspective on what makes someone a good match. Contrary to popular belief, love comes last in the equation for the clients that come to the matchmaker in the Netflix series. Instead, what comes first are criteria based on the wants and needs of the client: what they are searching for in their partner. In this way, the matchmaker can base the search on the specific needs of the client as opposed to the specific end goal: a successful candidate. Similarly, FPS begins by defining the specific needs of our client, allowing the possibility of finding someone to fill that mold while surpassing it.

In the series, a vital part of the matchmaking relationship are meetings held between client and matchmaker. In our own way, Freeman Philanthropic Services ensures, through conversations we facilitate, that all key stakeholders take part in the search: those that will deal directly with the eventually placed candidate and those included on the search committee. FPS invests as much time as necessary to speak with everyone involved in the process because of the sheer importance for the search. It is only once the parameters are set that FPS, as the matchmaker per se, begins the search and starts the process of finding candidates.

The candidates (found through extensive networking and marketing efforts) that pass the set standards and whose reference confirms their track record and ability are allowed the opportunity to interview with our client. FPS facilitates these interviews between our client and candidates that have reached this stage of the process to see if they can again move forward. After multiple rounds of growing the candidate pool and presenting the pool, allowing our client to remove candidates and sharpen parameters, FPS presents all viable candidates. Here the client decides, chooses the placement, extends an offer, and a match has been made.

Freeman Philanthropic Services, through its unique process, delivers the best quality candidates to their clients that fulfill all the necessities of the role and organization. If you are interested in seeing the results of our unique and tailored process, visit our client list page for a full history of clients we have been retained by at

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