Executive Recruitment for the Not-For-Profit Sector
FPS distinguishes itself in its inextricable link to and in-depth knowledge of the not-for-profit sector and the philanthropic community.
Freeman Philanthropic Services, LLC (FPS) is a woman-founded and led full-service firm specializing in retained executive recruitment for the not-for-profit sector. Our practice spans the not-for-profit sector, including institutions of higher education, academic medical centers, healthcare, cultural institutions, and humanitarian, advocacy, associations, and social service organizations. Founded in 2002, FPS is international in its scope and client base, yet agile enough to offer personalized, hands-on consulting in every partnership we undertake.
We do not employ a corporate “headhunting” paradigm to meet what we know to be unique third-sector needs. Rather, we offer the personal understanding, attachment, and deep commitment to recruiting mission-driven professionals with the experience, leadership, and solid track record of success to move our clients forward on their chosen paths. Through our team’s experience as executive recruiters, executives, fundraisers, and consultants, we offer singular insight in identifying the specific individuals possessing the talent and record of achievement to merit joining our clients’ teams.
We work as our clients’ ambassador, utilizing our proven intuitive skills in locating the “stars” – those people who stand above all others in leadership, character, creativity, and integrity. We pride ourselves on our close partnership with our clients to gain an understanding of their vision and goals over the next three to five years, the current and emerging organizational priorities, and the professional and personal characteristics that poise professionals for success. Using this knowledge, we are further positioned to find the best candidates to fulfill our clients’ strategic priorities.
FPS has had a commitment to diversity since its inception. We have a demonstrated track record of recruiting diverse candidates, reflected in the fact that more than 60% of our successful placements represent BIPOC, women, and LGBTQ candidates. Our firm has long-lasting, deep relationships with civil rights and criminal justice organizations focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion, including the Innocence Project, Vera Institute of Justice, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, National Urban League, China Institute, A Better Chance, and United Negro College Fund.

A Recognized Leader
FPS is uniquely qualified to work with institutions and organizations during the pivotal times of growth and historic change. We have a deep understanding of not-for-profit environments and the proven ability to provide strategic counsel, organizational assessment, and effective recruitment in the sector.
FPS knows what it takes and who it takes to plan strategically, advocate articulately, and inspire historic philanthropy. FPS brings to each assignment an in-depth understanding of the unique characteristics of the not-for-profit sector and the qualities of professional individuals it attracts. Each client is unique and each search is tailored to the specifications of the client’s needs.